BC is one menace every
Blackberry user like me detest, yet some users cant just have enough
of it. Maybe I should start by making everyone understand what a BC
is. Well, it’s short for Broad Cast and it is an unrestricted
message/information sent in bulk to more than one of your contacts
per time. Originally, it used to be in form of bulk e-mails and sent
on unique days (01/01/01, 02/02/02, …, 12/12/12), special
celebrations (New Month, New Week, New Year, Christmas, Easter, etc)
and important occasions (Graduation, Weddings, Birthdays), but these
days, it has become rampant and unpredictable that we get it every
other day for every other reason. BCs occur on mobile (as bulk SMS),
Whatsapp, and most annoyingly on BBm.
I’m sure the original
intent of BCs was to share important and valid information with your
contacts (e.g. your forthcoming wedding ceremony, birthday party,
etc), but as we all know, things are abused in this part of the
world. People now send BCs for the wrongest reasons at the oddest of
times. It has gotten so bad that people now forward BCs directly
without stopping to think thoroughly on the content of the message.
As I write this piece, one just came in claiming “There has been an
accident by a bus going from Sapele to Warri, having all passengers
dead, please broadcast till it gets to their family members”. I
don’t mean to be rude and callous, but for all I care, it aint my
business. While I sympathize with the family of the deceased, surely
they wont hear the bad news from me. The transport company is in
charge of notifying next of kins…that’s why every traveler
registers at bus-parks before take-off, that much, I know. Different
BCs everyday, “I am Jesus…, send it to 12 people and watch what
happens in 12 minutes…”, “…Adenuga’s Mum is celebrating
80years, send to 25 contacts and get 1000 recharge card free…”,
“A telecommunication company is celebrating 10years of impact in
Nigeria, send to 20 contacts and get 750naira recharge card…”,
Before you start pointing
accusing fingers, do you know our Network Providers also send us BCs?
Which makes me wonder if it was stated in their terms and conditions
of service (You can refer to my Note on Terms and Conditions Apply
for reference). These days, it has become so rampant that I feel like
smashing my phones anytime the BCs come in, and I wonder if they send
same to the likes of the Otedolas, Dangotes, Momodus, etc on promos
and what have you.
Sincerely, I find it hard
differentiating amongst a learned individual, a learner, an
illiterate and a stark illiterate. Someone said our problem in this
part of the world is that we don’t think. I definitely agree with
such claim. Please, please and please before you send the next BC,
THINK…for heaven’s sake, just give it a thought…perhaps for two
minutes, the effect the BC you are about sending will have. If it is
a joke you are sending, have you considered the mood of the
recipient? For heaven’s sake, not everyone enjoys a joke especially
at odd times.
Well, if you care to
know, I delete BCs as soon as they come in, I don’t even read them.
Be it on mobile, Whatsapp, BBm, or whatever platform, I just delete
them without giving it a thought. Imagine a graduate, someone who
passed through the 4walls of a University sending BCs about Whatsapp
or BBm shutting down because they have reached a limit and then the
solution to that problem is that you must send a BC to all your
contacts. How can you see such and fall for it by sending it to all
your contacts? Are you a LEARNER? Was it in the terms and conditions
that we must help them send BCs? Who told you they don’t have a
monitor that observes both active and dormant accounts? Please wake
up and stop disgracing your generation. Prove to the world that you
are a learned person.
Think! Think!! Think!!!
Don’t just interrupt people’s daily lives by sending them
irrelevant messages. If you have an announcement, contact the radio
house or TV station closest to you, call a Press conference and make
your announcement. If there has been an accident, dial 911 or call
the nearest hospital. If there is a robbery going on, call the
nearest Police Station…that is how to be of help and not spreading
bad news…especially one that you have not confirmed?
The energy and time you
expend sending BCs can be channeled into imparting lives positively
with words of grace. Use the resources at your disposal for more
productive things than being a nuisance. Imagine someone you haven’t
heard from for over a month and the next beep you get is a BC! Not
even a good morning, good afternoon or good day as the case may be.
I can bet it with you,
someone, somewhere is composing another BC and I can imagine the wry
smile on his/her face when he/she begins to trend. Wake up today,
distinguish yourself, don’t be a learner, don’t be an illiterate,
say no to unreasonable BCs.
Before you send the next
BC, please think about the content, or just be like me and desist
from sending such. Friends, the message is simple and
straight-forward, we shouldn’t be found doing some things as
learned individuals. Say no to BCs today!