October 1st 1960 will forever remain a day to be remembered
in this country whether anyone likes it or not. Everyone likes freedom, no one
wants to remain in captivity, hence the day we were emancipated from captivity
will forever remain in memory. Even God ordered the Israelite to continually
celebrate the feast of Passover, so we can in same manner see our Liberation
from Colonial rule as an event worthy of celebration.
It therefore grieves me when year-in-year-out, I see and hear people
say “there is nothing to celebrate about the Nation”, I can’t but marvel at
the ignorance and naivety of such individuals. This is a country that has
weathered a lot of storms, yet still standing together as one. Not even Polio, HIV/AIDS or Ebola has prevailed over this Country, a country other nations of
the world envy so much. Friends, I cant imagine being the citizen of any other
nation aside Nigeria.
Our problem in this country is neither the government nor those in
authority so to speak, rather, our problem is largely individuals. An average
American wakes in the morning and even before saying or thinking any other
thing, his first thought/speech is “God bless America”. Those prayers have it’s
significance on happenings around. When last did you say “God bless Nigeria”?
When last did you do something to make Nigeria a better place? Rather, the buck
of the blame is always passed to the government, when truth be told, some men
cannot even successfully lead their home and family, some individuals cant even
lead a football team, a class, a department, let alone a Local Government.
Shift your gaze away from the government, think of what you can do for your
If the labour of our heroes past is not going to be in vain, what quota
are you contributing to ensure that? Nigeria is growing, Think Positive, Say
Positive, Act Positive, Stay Positive and continually Pray and take positive
steps towards actualization of a better Nigeria.
A little leaven, the holy Scriptures says, leaveneth the whole lump…our
individual efforts at our respective level and capacity towards a better
Nigeria, when combined will make a monumental impact on the way forward for
this Nation.
Have you observed that the second stanza of the National Anthem, which
is the Prayer for the Nation, is even hardly sung these days, not even in
social and societal gatherings where it is needed the most? I therefore close
this write-up saying that prayer for my beloved nation:
O God of Creation, Direct our noble
Cause, Guide our leaders right,
Help our youths the truth to know. In
love and honesty to grow,
And live in Just and truth. Great
lofty heights attain, to build a nation
Where Peace and Justice shall reign!
Nigeria is Rising and I'm definitely contributing my quota...So help me God!
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