Sunday, 15 January 2012

Waves of Glory 2012 Intercessory Prayer Guidelines for the Winners Family Worldwide!

Father, thank you or confirming the breakthrough unlimited agenda to the fullest in the Winners amily worldwide. (Isaiah 44:26)
Father, thank you for the unprecedented harvest of souls in all our churches worldwide in 2011 (Jeremiah 30:19)
Father, thank you for the explosive church growth recorded, both in Spiritual and numerical. (I Cor. 3:6)
Father, thank you for constantly illuminating our lives and paths with the revelation of your word all through the year 2011, resulting in strange result of testimonies. (Ps. 107:20)
Father, thank you for covering our lives, families properties and businesses in 2011 and for delivering us from the hand of the enemies. (Ps. 125:1-3)
Father, thank you for the unusual, supernatural strength you gave your servant – Spirit, soul and body all through the year 2011. (Josh. 14:11)
Father, we thank you for the glorious and precious gift of the new year 2012. You have made us to cross over by your grace and mercy. (Ps. 92:1)
Father, we thank you for the prophecy of this New year, Waves of Glory. We know that by your divine enablement, we shall experience a most glorious fulfillment. (I Kings 8:15)
Father, we thank you for miracles, signs and wonders that you have prepared for your people this year. We believe that every struggle of the past year shall be converted to miracles. (Is. 28:21 – 22)
Father we thank you because you will make the place round about your hill and your people a blessing and there shall be showers of blessings on every winner this year.  (Ezek. 34:25-26)
Father, we thank you for the helps you have reserved for your servant this year. He shall never be hurt because of your marvelous helps. (Acts 26:22)
Father, we thank you for the mysteries of your word that will be unfolded to your people to fulfill your divine agenda for the winners’ family. We know that we shall experience greater confirmation and performance of your word this year. (Gen. 13:14 – 15)

Father, establish every winner under the glory cloud all through the year 2012. (Num. 4:10)
Father, make year 2012 a year of explosive Church growth in all our churches worldwide. (Acts 13:44)
Father, make year 2012 a year of Laughter after the order of Sarah for all winners. (Gen. 21:5-7).
Father, make year 2012 a year of divine surprises for all winners (Isaiah 43:19)
Father, make year 2012 a year of sudden visitations after the order of Abraham for every winner (Gen. 12:1-3)
Father, make year 2012 a year of dramatic change of status for every winner from the terrestrial to the celestial. (II Cor. 3:18)
Father, make year 2012 a year of Supernatural Turnaround after the order of Joseph for every Winner (Ps. 105:17-22)
Father, make year 2012 a year of strange works and strange acts by your mighty hand all across this commission. (Luke 5:26)
Father, cause the fear of winners to fall upon every agent of the devil worldwide, and turn every winner into a threat to powers of darkness (Deut. 11:25)
Father, release grace for covenant practice upon every winner that will establish everyone in financial fortune (Deut. 8:18)
Father, release the outpouring of the Spirit of Wisdom upon every winner in a strange dimension (Deut. 34:9)
Father, let there be the rise of an army of giants in every area of life in the winners family this year. (Obad. 1:21)
Father, make year 2012 a year of divine favour for all winners. Not one winner will experience any form of misfortune. (Ps. 102:13)
Father, baptize every winner afresh with the spirit of faith that establishes unquestionable dominion (II Kings 2:15)
Father, cause a mighty outpouring of the Spirit of Holiness upon every Winner worldwide (Romans 1:4)
Father, cause the winners family to be overtaken by the blessings of the Lord in every area of life this year (Deut. 28:1)
Father, we decree year 2012 shall be regret-free for all winners. (Is. 11:9)
Father, make year 2012 a sickness-free year for all winners worldwide (Jer. 30:17)

Father, manifest your vengeance against every wickedness of the wicked concerning this church (Is. 17:13-14)
Father, we destroy every plan and purpose of hell concerning your divine agenda for the Winners family this year (Jer. 20:10-12)
Father, we decree the destruction of every agent of the devil militating against every Winner this year, 2012 and beyond (Is. 54:17)
Father, let the plan of the wicked fall on their head and let them not be able to carry out their enterprise (Job 5:12)
Father, we decree the release of Angels to destroy the camp of the wicked standing in the way of your people with vengeance that others may hear and fear the name of the Lord (Ex. 23:22-23)
Father, by the blood of everlasting covenant; execute judgment against all satanic plans to your glorious agenda for us this year (ex. 12:12)
Father, by the Spirit of the Lord we come against the activities of the gates of hell contending against the move of God in our midst. (Is. 59:19)

Father, let every contention against the fulfillment of the Prophetic Theme of the year – Waves of Glory in my life be destroyed (Is. 49:24-26)
Father, let every Pharoah and Herod of my life, responsible for my captivity become extinct except they repent (Ps. 7:11)
Father, arise and scatter every confederacy and gang up against me to frustrate my glory (Is. 41:11-12)
Father, rain upon the household of my enemies, fire and brimstone and horrible tempest and give me total liberty (Ps. 11:6)
Father, let every arrow of the wicked sent against me return to sender and let the wicked fall into the same pit he has prepared for me (Esther 7:9)
Father, hasten your day of vengeance and cause your chosen to be redeemed from all the forces of wickedness (Is. 63:4)
Intercession: Our Father, to whom vengeance belong, show yourself in every area of my life that the enemy has afflicted me (Ps. 94:1-2)
Father, plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me; fight against them that fight against me this month (Ps. 35:1)
Father, bolt out every spell, curse and enchantment standing against my glorious destiny this year (Col. 2:12-15)
Intercession: Father, let everything mocking my glorious destiny in Christ be judged (II Kings 2:23-24)

Father, let our churches both at home and on the foreign field become churches without walls by reason of unprecedented multitudes. (Zech. 2:4-5)
Father, let every social assembly double its present size (100%) minimum before the end of this year. (Is. 61:7)
Father, by your Spirit, give fresh insight to all our pastors to know what to do to provoke supernatural church growth and development this year (Jn. 6:6-11)
Father, we decree the release of angels to the highways and the hedges, compelling the influx of souls in to our churches and satellite fellowships. (Matt. 13:39)
Father, increase the manifestations of signs and wonders in our midst leading to extra-ordinary church growth. (Acts 5:12-14)
Father, send your word with power making every assembly a green pasture where the sheep will be well nourished and established (Acts 6:7)
Father, we condemn, resist and destroy every interruption of hell in all our church operations this year that may slow down church growth. (Matt. 16:18)
Father, establish every convert of year 2011 in the faith and in the green pastures of the living faith church assemblies worldwide. (Jn 17:12)
Father, we release your wisdom upon leadership at various levels to manage the increases and multiplications coming upon the church this year (Prov. 24:3)
Father, empower the statutory bodies in our local assemblies with wisdom for healthy growth and establishment (Acts 6:3)
Father, by your Spirit, let every winner be established in the faith this year. (Rom. 8:35-38)
Father, by the operation of your wisdom; establish all our churches in grace and glory this year. (Acts 16:4-5)

Father, reveal your perfect counsel to your servant the Apostle over this commission, concerning all aspects of the commission. (Ps. 32:8)
Father, uphold your servant, the shepherd over the commission and infuse him with supernatural strength, spirit, soul and body to carry through the mandate on his life. (Judg. 6:14)
Father, surround your servant, the Apostle over this commission and his family with divine peace and quietness. We forbid any trouble or distraction (Jn. 14:27)
Father, grant leadership new depth of wisdom and insight to match the demands of his assignmnet. (Matt. 13:54)
Father, let your hedge of protection be strong around your servant and his family. Let every arrow shot against them return back to sender. (Job 1:10)
Father, quicken the heart of your servant; sharpen his spirit to be sensitive to every directive of the Holyspirit. (Is. 50:4)

Father, send your word with grace and power in all the WOFBI sessions this year.
Father, let all WOFBI training sessions this year, be with fire and lasting effect in the lives of all students.
Father, engrace all the lecturers  with supernatural utterance in all the sessions.
Father, let the breathe of the Holy Ghost rest upon all the publications of this commission bringing about dramatic turnarounds in the life of every reader.
Father, we decree the establishment of all our foreign mission operations and greater open doors this year.
Father, cause your mighty hands to rest upon all our educational institutions (Universities, Secondary Schools and Primary Schools) for excellence.
Father, we decree fresh Apostolic grace upon your servant in all his foreign mission outreaches this year that will result in lasting impact.

Father, establish a wall of fire around all members of the Winners’ family against all forms of assault (Zech. 2:5)
Father, we release the fire of the Holy Ghost to burn every affliction in any life such as moving objects in the body, internal heat, night-mares, etc (Matt. 3:12)
Father, let every disease termed incurable such as; Heart disease, Cancer, Hypertension, HIV AIDS, etc; be healed in this 21days of prayers and fasting. (Matt. 8:16-17)
Father, wipe away tears off the eyes of everyone looking to you for the fruit of the womb, and grant the release of their miracle babies this year (Ps. 113:9)
Father, stretch forth your hands and destroy every yoke of stagnation in the career and business of your people (Is. 10:27)
Father, we break the hand of the enemy over every broken marriage and decree supernatural restoration this year in the name of Jesus. (Joel 2:23-25)
Father, let every eligible single locate their marriage partners as an aftermath of this 21days prayers and fasting, and grant them a glorious settlement this year. (Ps. 68:6)
Father, we decree academic excellence for every student in the Winners family. Make them to be above only and not beneath. (Dan. 1:20)

Father, we repent of our sins as a Nation and ask that you cleanse us and our land by the blood of Jesus. Deliver us from divine judgment, O God.
Father, trouble every troubler of Nigeria and let their wicked deeds return on their heads and all that pertain to them. Grant lasting peace and quietness to this nation.
Father, grant the President of this Nation the heart of a Lion and the Wisdom of Solomon in running the affairs of government.
Father, we decree judgment on kidnappers and ritual killers in this Nation in the name of Jesus. Arise Oh God to the defense of the innocent and set confusion in their camp. (Is. 44:24-25)
Father, defend all our local assemblies nationwide, there shall be no evil occurrence anywhere throughout the year. (I Chron. 19:32-34)
Father, we curse the operations, sponsors and operators of all terrorist sects in Nigeria, we command them to dry up from the roots. (Mk 11:20-21)
Father, visit the camp of every terrorist sect with vengeance and absolute destruction so that peace can reign again in Nigeria. (Ps. 94:21-23)
Father, heal the economy of Nigeria and restore our lost glory. (II Chron. 7:14)
In Conclusion,
Remember, everytime we go sleep spiritually, the enemy continues to have a field day. Matt. 13:24-28.
We must rise up to stop the wicked – Luke 11:21-22
We must engage importunity in prayer to stop the enemy. (Luke 18:1-8)
And because prayers and fasting enhances our spiritual authority for conquest, we must take full advantage of prayers and fasting to stop the wickedness of the wicked against our lives and this commission. (Is. 58:6-10/Matt 17:21)
We can destroy the hold of the devil and his agents through the power of Prayers and Fasting. (Luke 4:14, 32, 46).
Let us therefore arise and take full and speedy delivery of the fulfillment of the prophetic Waves of Glory ordained for this year – I Tim. 1:18 (Deut. 2:24/Matt 11:12)
Apostle Paul wrote:
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Romans 8:15
Furthermore, Jesus said:
After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Matt. 6:9
As we cry to our Father, heaven will open and answers shall be released speedily unto us.
None of our enemies shall escape, and none of our packages shall be lost.
This INTERCESSORY PRAYER GUIDELINES is to empower our prayer altar as individuals so as to maximize the glorious agenda God has put in place for the year.
Jesus is Lord!!!

Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota-Lagos
January 2012

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


Before we proceed, lets quickly paint two scenarios:
Scenario 1: A lad was promised a good job, a house and a car by his wealthy uncle, irrespective of his ‘class’ upon graduation. Luckily for him, he graduated with second class honours. After his NYSC, he decided to visit his Uncle who had promised him. Getting to his Uncle`s abode, he found the wife, children and neighbours mourning…the man had committed suicide that morning because the bank had confiscated all his possessions due to unpaid loan.

Scenario 2: A wealthy young man observed that he was being trailed by someone for the past one week. He approached the Superintendent of Police in the community to confide in him, the Superintendent promised to protect him from the killer by placing 2 policemen as his escort. The next day, news had it that the Superintendent of Police was found dead in his bedroom as well as all security guards in his house.

Question is what do you think will run through the minds of these young guys painted in the scenario above?

I believe your guess is as good as mine…Success and Longevity are not Natural phenomenon, but largely Spiritual. Going scriptural, both phenomenon are hinged on two basic things (AMONGST OTHER THINGS) which are Service to God (Exodus 23:25-28, Joshua 1:8) and Parental/Elderly regard (Ephesians 6:1-9). Overtime, we have heard exhortations, sermons and teachings that talks about service to God, hence, I`ll focus more on the Parental aspect.

We had a family meeting a couple of years ago when my Dad read to us from Ephesians :1 – 3. At the end of his admonition, he asked if we had any questions, I told him I had no question but I wanted to read that same chapter but starting from verse 4…
I really cant remember how the rest of the meeting went but about 2 years later, the Spirit told me it`s not for me to judge someone else`s obedience to the scripture, all I need do is fulfill my own part and leave the rest to God. Ever since then, I have continuously entrusted myself into doing my own part (by God`s grace though), and trust me, my path has been on the ascendancy.

Going further, let`s do a quick test:
When last did you say ‘thank you’ to your Parents?
When last did you send them a ‘Happy New Month’ message despite the fact you send to your numerous friends?
When last did you buy them a gift out of the little you have (which they probably gave you in the first place)?
When last did you do their laundries or get it taken care of by a laundry man before their arrival from work?
When last did you prepare them a meal?
Who still does the house chores? Are you being forced to do them or you do them willingly?
...and several other things I cant mention here.

Blessings, Success and Longevity are provoked, they don’t just happen naturally…since the law of seed time and harvest shall not cease. What are you sowing into the life of your parents today to attract their blessings upon your life? If nothing, I`m afraid, don’t expect a miracle in the nearest future. God is no respecter of persons, if you obey his instructions and keep his percepts as regards honouring your parents, then he is committed to making you fulfill the number of your days and in prosperity too. Have you ever watched the satisfaction and prayers in the faces of your parents when you have just done something for them? OMG! It’s a feeling you can`t trade for anything.

The modern day youth take virtually everything lackadaisically, when you imagine their parents doing virtually everything for them, cooking for them, doing chores for them while they sit with the phone, TV or internet lazing/fooling around, and then you wonder why they are not successful or live long as expected. Friends, the scripture cannot be broken, it`s either you walk in the percepts laid down and enjoy the blessings that follow or you live your life the way you want and pay dearly for it, it`s up to us. Note that I said amongst other things, that tells you that Honouring your Parents is a major factor for longevity of days and Success in life, but not all there is to it.

…the good news is, it`s never too late to start, get back to the roots and start making amends. Jacob provoked blessings upon himself by preparing a meal for Isaac (Gen. 27:25-29). Joseph provoked blessings upon himself by ‘joyfully’ running errands for his father, Jacob (Genesis 37). Samson ‘somehow’ fulfilled destiny although the number of his days was cut short, all because he disobeyed his parents` instruction (Judges 14:3). A whole lot of examples in the scriptures that points towards parental blessings.

Make up your mind, to treat your parents with utmost respect, never discuss them or their instruction with your friends on the Internet, mobile or BBm, and above all Honour them in every way you can...and I can tell you, it shall be well with you and the number of your days will be fulfilled!
